
Knot Waking

This quarantine had him believing he was re-living it and he was afraid.

I, on the other hand, had been throwing up from stress two to three times a week when I had a day job. Now that I didn't—

Out of obsession

Knot Waking was


of a small collection of thrift store books (gathered over the past decade), along with some forgotten fragments of unfinished ideas, assembled by stream of consciousness.

It is a quarantine story- the suddenness of springtime stillness, sunshine and peaceful hours listening to birds in a frozen world, dying everywhere. There are yellow blossoms in my yard. I am well kept.

What would your dream be if you were me? What is it like to die?

I think trees experience time differently from us. Maybe I saw it online. Paper. Circuit. Tree.

What I mean is, I'm trying to see the shape of the movement between.

And I wonder, does a stump have memories?

I use my body to dream— A dream of the combined afterlife of one thousand trees. A sensual, stream of consciousness assemblage of scraps. Tiny triangles of paper mediate.


Saw/Ate Sad Bird